A Test of Character

Posted: April 30, 2011 in Food for the Soul

After my training in the Special Course on Dairy Production and Management, I anticipated a life of success and prestige. I had plans of going to New Zealand or UK and never thought that God could have a different plan. I had never expected of any future trips to Thailand…

When I get to Bangkok, I was confident to get a promising career. I wasn’t prepared for any disappointment. But in my disappointment, it was God’s appointment… I went for a teacher training course in one of the universities in Thailand to prepare myself for a teaching job appointment, only to find out that there were “farangs” who did not undergo the training but were given priorities just because they are native speakers of the English language and not to mention some were just the so-called backpackers who got hired. Much to my surprise, there were those who didn’t even have any education units but were hired and yet, here I am, with the qualifications they required; from a BS degree in Education, a teacher’s license and an almost perfect TOEIC Thailand exam result is here without a job! What a racial discrimination! Asian teachers rank only second when it comes to job hiring priorities.

Tears rolled down my cheeks for the fate I had, with so much frustrations and humiliation. God was not finished with me yet. A friend offered me a job back home to have as much as I would be getting in Bangkok. I love the idea of being at home, and be with my family. However, my heart was against the thought of going home without money. How would I face my family and friends, admitting to them my inadequacies? What about my status quo? What about my ego? Am I not really worthy to work in Thailand? I was battling with the pride of my life. It’s humbling me in the process!!! It was at this point of my life, that in my quiet time I submitted to God’s will and He spoke to my heart through a verse in Isaiah that says, ”I am the Lord your God who teaches you what is best for you, who directs you in the way you should go.”

Despite the hurts, I knew I needed to humble myself before God and man. I realized that I have to live in Bangkok for a time to allow Him to deal with my life especially my pride. A time of character molding and preparing me for something great in the future. My character was more important to Him than anything He would want me to achieve. I learned to cast all my cares, my anxieties, my worries, my disappointments, my EVERYTHING in God’s hands.

Amidst the excitement of going home, I was met with another surprise. I was called to report to the school and was asked to sign a contract that very same day without even being interviewed. God’s timing is always perfect! A promising career was right there waiting for me just at the right time when I have given in my will to God’s will.

From then on, the Lord allowed me to feel compassion for my students. I couldn’t imagine myself managing a group of students with different cultures, different problems to deal with, struggling with language barriers… It was really a tough time for me at first. But God was there for me, my ever help in trouble, my joy and my strength. Somehow, the Lord reminded me why I had to undergo all those pains before getting the job. It was a matter of testing my character…teaching me to lean on Him in all circumstances. I learned to trust in the Lord from day to day.

It didn’t take me too long, I could see changes in the attitudes of the students, I gained the respect of a teacher that I had been praying for. One step at a time, God changes lives. Every day is a challenge…but with God all things are possible.

From EFL, I was moved to teach 2nd Grade up to the present. My 3-5 months probationary period was shortened to a month-long and I got a permanent work status. Wow! What an awesome God I have! I was not only blessed with smart, lovable kids to work with but I was placed in a workplace where I felt I belong. Where we are matters, the Lord simply reminds us of our purpose wherever we are…we may wonder why we are in such a place in a certain time…it’s because where we are matters. It’s God’s appointed time and place… 😀

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